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Where To Find The Harpysnare Smoke Beacon

If you’ve played Dragon’s Dogma 2 for more than a few minutes, you’ve likely run into some really frustrating harpies. As they fly around above you, trying to put you to sleep or pick you up and drop you off a cliff, taking them down can be pretty frustrating, especially when you don’t have many skills to attack things in the air.


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But even after you learn how to defeat them efficiently, you’ll never feel as satisfied as you will when using them to do your bidding. If you overheard one of your pawns speaking about the Harpysnare Smoke Beacon and are wondering how to get your hands on one, look no further.

Where To Find The Harpysnare Smoke Beacon

Despite having many opportunities where one would come in handy, you likely won’t find a Harpysnare Smoke Beacon until you reach the Battahl area of the game, and getting the one located here requires a lengthy trek through treacherous lands.

To find the beacon, first navigate to the main city in the region, Bakbattahl. You’ll find it on the eastern side of the Battahl Desert area. From the city, take the ropeway gondola down to the Central Station located in the middle of the desert. This station acts like a hub connecting you to all other areas of the Battahl desert. From the central station, ride the southern gondola down to Station 4 and hop off.

From here, you just need to walk down the south road, and you’ll reach a tower that is positioned near the Riftsone of Daybreak. Climb the tower, and you will find the Harpysnare Smoke Beacon in a chest at the top.


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How To Use The Harpysnare Smoke Beacon

Dragons Dogma 2 Harpysnare Smoke Beacon How To Use

Since these beacons are single-use, you’ll want to make sure you really make it count. The gist of it is that you’ll light the beacon on the ground near where a harpy’s nest is located. This will cause them to appear, and then you can jump up, grab their legs, and ride them down to their nest.

These particular nests are impossible to reach without following this exact route as they are always just out of reach, even despite the handful of gravity-defying skills you can acquire in the game. Typically, once you reach the nest you’ll get some gold, harpy materials, a rare chest, and/or a seeker token. Just make sure to save before you use the beacon so if you mess up you can try again.

The easiest harpy nest to find is just outside of Vernworth, heading out through the northwestern exit. Down the road a bit, you’ll find a tower with some harpies circling it. Rather than approaching the nest from the top of the tower where you fight the harpies, we recommend doing so from around the same level as the nest itself. That way, if you fall, you don’t die. Do a quick save before you try, so you can give it another go if you miss the ledge.

It is best to jump when the harpy gets close to the ledge as they won’t just drop you right where you need to go.

How To Get More Harpysnare Smoke Beacons

Again, since these are single-use items, there are likely a few hidden throughout the world. We’ll continue to update this guide as we find them all. But in the meantime, if you are looking to get a few more and don’t mind paying for them, you can always visit Ibrahim’s Scrap Store in Checkpoint Rest Town.

To get to Checkpoint Rest Town, take the oxcart near the northwestern exit in Vernworth. Once you are in Checkpoint Rest, you’ll find Ibrahim’s Scrap Store tucked away on the northwestern side of the town. Simply request to use his forgery services to duplicate the beacon and any other item you wish. For the beacon, it will cost 3600 gold. After commissioning the request, wait for a full day by sitting on the bench nearby and your duplicate will be ready. You can do this as many times as you want, so if you have the extra gold, we recommend loading up on the beacons as you come across hard-to-reach harpy nests often.


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