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UwU Lend Protocol Hit By Second Hack During $20M Reimbursement

The UwU Lend protocol, still reeling from a recent $20 million hack on June 10, has fallen victim to another exploit as it attempts to recover from the initial breach.

Repeat Attack on UwU Lend Protocol

UwU Lend, a prominent DeFi protocol, has been targeted once again by malicious actors following a devastating $20 million hack on June 10. According to warnings from Cyvers, the same attackers responsible for the initial breach have struck again, siphoning off an additional $3.5 million from various asset pools within the protocol.

Exploited Asset Pools and Immediate Actions

The ongoing exploit has affected several asset pools including uDAI, uWETH, uLUSD, uFRAX, uCRVUSD, and uUSDT. All stolen funds have been swiftly converted to ETH and transferred to the attacker’s identified wallet address: 0x841dDf093f5188989fA1524e7B893de64B421f47.

Also Read: Crypto Sector Sees 12% Decline in Fraud and Hack Losses for May 2024


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