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Tifa And Aerith Are The Heart And Soul Of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth


  • The heart of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth lies in the planet’s struggle, as Aerith and Tifa emotionally connect with its pain and purpose.
  • Through Aerith’s Cetra lineage and Tifa’s ‘awakening’ experience, the duo deepen their bond with the planet, elevating the story’s stakes.
  • Tifa and Aerith’s unique connection with the planet adds depth to the narrative beyond a simple battle of good versus evil, making it more nuanced.

Major spoilers ahead for Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth’s main story.Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is a game full of heart. Cloud and the gang are on a mission to save the world, but this isn’t just a typical story of good versus evil. While the game’s big bad villain, Sephiroth, is looking to destroy the world for his selfish gains, the real substance of Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth is the story of a dying planet, and nobody feels the weight of that like Aerith and Tifa.


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Seven seconds till the end.

The planet (Gaia) generates an energy source known as Mako. Humanity, in part thanks to Shinra, has harvested this resource to the point of the planet’s ecological collapse. Rebirth does an excellent job of showing how wonderful and devastating the use of Mako can be. The group travels through devastated, drained lands, but we also see the Mako-fueled wonderland of The Golden Saucer. ‘The price of progress’ and other environmental themes are at the core of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.

Aerith’s Unyielding Heart

Aerith’s connection to the planet begins with her lineage as a Cetra, an ancient people once guardians of the known world. It’s believed that she can lead humanity to a promised land, a paradise that the comically evil Shinra covets. Aerith experiences a special connection to the planet, as she is often able to feel the temperament of the planet like a sixth sense. She doesn’t just see it suffering, she feels it within herself. Her connection to the lifestream gives her unique insight, especially in the game’s ultimate chapter.

In addition to her connection to the planet, Aerith is the soul of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth due to her unabashed earnestness. Even if things are looking very dire, Aerith is there with an encouraging word and a smile to keep everyone’s spirits up.

Tifa’s Soulful Awakening

Tifa’s connection to the planet arises later in the narrative. When Cloud loses control of himself and tries to kill Tifa, she falls into a pool of Mako and is swallowed up by a Weapon. The Weapons are whale-like creatures that appear when the planet is in trouble. Inside one of these creatures, Tifa sees the planet’s lifestream. She sees the struggle and builds a bond with the planet so strong that Tifa feels the planetary pain deeper than even Aerith. Her experience is almost beyond words, but the player sees it all through her eyes. It’s a beautiful yet heartbreaking moment that makes Tifa’s story all the more captivating.

A Future Worth Fighting For

When the gang arrives to the home of Red XIII, our characters are introduced to the Planetology religion. Players are given an overview of the religion’s beliefs, along with a history of the planet itself. While the entire group is interested in saving the planet, Aerith and Tifa are also keenly interested in Planetology. They sit in on seminars to learn more about the world and their place within it. They want to know as much as possible to make sense of their own experiences and their heightened connection to the planet.

Tifa and Aerith add a human element to the planet’s plight.

While it might seem trivial, Aerith and Tifa take the largest interest in what the story is really about. They don’t just want to defeat Sephiroth, stick it to Shinra, and save the world, they want to do something even more meaningful. Tifa had her interest awakened by her experience in the lifestream while Aerith’s interest is also sincere, as knowing more about the planet goes hand-in-hand with her uncovering of her Cetra heritage.

Carrying The Team

In addition to their connection to the planet, Tifa and Aerith carry the group emotionally. When things are at their worst, Aerith is the one telling everyone they can do anything they set their minds to. Tifa is also regularly there for Cloud, trying to reassure and comfort him during times of doubt. When he believes he’s experiencing the degradation that plagues so many ex-soldiers, Tifa reassures him. She held a secret about Cloud and Zack’s relationship close to her heart so Cloud wouldn’t become upset; she’s constantly sacrificing for the rest of the team.


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Tifa and Aerith share a bond with the planet that nobody else quite understands, and this dynamic is mirrored in their own intense relationship. These two characters always have the best intentions, and the kindest hearts, and are undoubtedly the moral compass of the group. Without Tifa and Aerith, the story would be just another grudge match between good and evil; but these two add so much character to the narrative.

In addition to her connection to the planet, Aerith is the soul of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth due to her unabashed earnestness.

Tifa and Aerith add a human element to the planet’s plight. Their connection has you feeling like the planet is its own entity, and that makes it worth saving. The planet is hurting, it’s dying, and it’s crying out for help. The pair’s connection with the planet elevates the stakes in Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth, and changes it from a typical struggle between good and evil into a more nuanced story.


Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: Ending Explained

With the dust finally settling; let’s break down the complex ending to Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.


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