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Study Reveals Reason Why Employees Stay In The Same Company For Years

54% of employees prioritise leadership roles and responsibilities.

Apart from career-related growth in their organisation, the survey found other factors that the employees look for.

A recent survey was conducted by Apna.co that has thrown light on the evolving landscape in today’s dynamic job market and the expectations and priorities of the employees. The survey was conducted online and included responses from 10,000 professionals across various job sectors in the country and was focused on understanding the job market ahead of the appraisal season (April-March).

The survey found that about 54 per cent of the employees prefer career advancement opportunities over staying in their current jobs, even though remuneration is an important aspect. This showcases that employees are aiming for professional growth and development within their company.

Apart from career-related growth in their organisation, the survey found other factors that the employees are looking for. Reportedly, 37 per cent responded that a sense of accomplishment of freedom was their motivation. 21 per cent were more interested in taking up international assignments or work-related travel.

The survey also found that 44 per cent of the employees stressed the importance of the work culture of the organisation they are working at. This means that overall, employees are looking for a non-toxic and supportive environment for their job satisfaction.

As per Nirmit Parikh, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer (CEO), of Apna.co, “The report highlights the evolving aspirations and priorities of professionals in today’s dynamic job market.” He shared that a significant section of professionals want to remain in their organization. These employees are driven primarily by factors such as career advancement opportunities, work culture and desire for skill development.

Apna.co in its survey report found that about 54 per cent of employees valued leadership roles and responsibilities in their organisation. 40 per cent prioritised advanced training programs, while 36 per cent prioritised industry experts or senior leadership.

The survey and the report raise the importance of organisations prioritising employee development, offering a positive and non-toxic work culture and providing them opportunities through training to enhance their skills. These factors are the driving force of the employees. Along with this, if the organisation can improve their job satisfaction, this might help in retaining them and keep the workforce engaged.


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