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Stellaris Players Aren’t Happy With Paradox’s Use Of Generative AI In New DLC

Stellaris players are leaving negative reviews after developer Paradox Interactive revealed that it had used AI-generated content in the game’s latest DLC, The Machine Age.

Released earlier this week, The Machine Age adds a whole host of new content for players to check out. From new endgame crisis’ to new origins, some players are calling it a “top contender” for the best DLC Stellaris has ever received. Unfortunately, not everybody feels that way after discovering the DLC makes use of generative AI.


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Over on the DLC’s Steam store page, a disclosure can be found at the bottom of the page regarding AI-generated content. “We employ generative AI technologies during the creation of some assets. Typically this involves the ideation of content and visual reference material,” the disclosure states.

It goes on to explain how the generated elements “represent a minor component of the overall development,” before stating that AI was used to generate voices for an AI antagonist and a player advisor. The response from fans surrounding the use of AI in Stellaris has been mostly negative, but there are some players who think the controversy is “silly.”

In response to the use of AI, Stellaris received over 100 negative reviews on May 10th, with many citing the use of AI as the sole reason. “Uses generative AI to minimize costs and maximize profits. 90% of the game is locked behind paywall DLC. Signature Paradox. Will spread the word to detour others from spending money on Paradox games,” one reviewer said.

Over on Reddit, a Paradox employee came to the studio’s defence and attempted to clear the air on the matter. In a rather lengthy comment, the employee said, “The AI voice generation tools we use on Stellaris ensure that the voice actors that signed up and built the models receive royalties for every line we create. Ethical use of AI technology is very important to us – we’re pretty good at exploring dystopian sci-fi and don’t want to end up there ourselves.”

They then went on to say that AI wasn’t used for the DLC’s concept art, but there “may be” a couple of AI-generated pieces on the visdev exploration/mood board.

The employee noted that a dev diary on how Paradox uses AI tools will be released in a couple of weeks. In the meantime, if you want to red the full explanation on how and why Paradox used generative AI for The Machine Age DLC, check out the response over on Reddit.


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