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Starfield Players Theorize On How Dairy Is Produced Without Cows Or Chickens


  • Shattered Space DLC will expand Starfield’s universe, offering more planets to conquer and space to explore.
  • Some players question the source of food in the game, sparking comical theories on where the milk comes from.
  • Players debate about the possibility of synthetic animal products in space, adding to the fun of exploring Starfield.

Starfield’s universe is overwhelmingly gigantic, with planets to conquer and space to explore. If that wasn’t enough for most sci-fi fans, it looks like it will become even more vast with the upcoming Shattered Space DLC, which will be Bethesda’s first major expansion for the game since its release.

From faraway galaxies to moons, there is always something different to uncover in Starfield, although some players have been left scratching their heads about an element of food source in the game and how exactly it is made, leaving fans to come up with some weird theories of their own.

Are players right about this one?

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In its current state, players think stealing and selling ships is unrealistic, unbalanced, and boring.

As in many games, food is a great source of health that can be collected and used to keep that HP in tip-top shape. With so much to explore, players will always need that extra energy as they make their way across entire solar systems, so chowing down on some prime treats is a must.

From orange juice to toast, there’s a variety of cuisine available throughout the star-ridden constellations, but there is one food source that is puzzling players and that’s the game’s dairy products. With no roaming chickens to lay eggs or grazing cows to produce in space, where does the milk come from found at various food and drink vendors?

Of course, this question concocted a few tongue-in-cheek and silly comments like grossly milking rats, milking an alien or the humorous reply from user TheConeIsReturned who quoted the line from Meet the Parents in which Benn Stiller says, “Oh yea, you can milk anything with nipples.” To which Robert DeNiro replies, “I have nipples, Greg, could you milk me?”

“Star wars blue milk comes to mind, eek” said enolafaye

Although there are plenty of comical theories, one Starfield player did come up with a pretty good explanation of how cheese and milk are obtained. Commentor La Fleur Sauvage suggested that synthetic steak meat is found elsewhere in the game, so why would this process not be reproduced for dairy items too? “We are very close to creating synthetic reproductions of animal products now. This theory is further supported by the presence of the label Synth meat in other parts of the game.”

Of course, another wild theory could be that cow cells were harvested from Earth and taken to space, where they are then grown in various incubation pods throughout the galaxy. Whatever the reason for the tasty dairy produce is, it’s really cool to see players discussing and questioning the smaller aspects they stumble across throughout the game. My guess is there will be much, much more to uncover as the game becomes even larger, so keep your eyes peeled.

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