
Bold Headlines Bright Perspectives

Health Fitness

‘Sometimes it’s not the stigma, people don’t understand what is multiple sclerosis’

Tell us more about the book and inspiration behind writing it?

This book is about a disease called Multiple Sclerosis (MS). It is an autoimmune disease. The immune system, which is supposed to protect us against all viruses and bacteria, starts attacking our own system. The nerve fiber which has a covering called myelin. The immune system starts attacking the myelin sheath. So when that covering gets damaged, the nerve fiber, or the nerve cell, is not able to carry the information in a correct manner to the brain. The interpretation of what message is coming doesn’t happen, leading to many different issues. My focus in this book is on invisible signs, like a heat issue, balance problems, and difficulty with swallowing. This disease attacks young people at the age of 20 to 23 onwards, disrupting their peak of youth. When the doctor says there is no cure for it, their dreams are shattered, and fears arise. This book addresses those fears and provides guidance on how to cope.

Why did you name the book “Unbreakable spirit”?

Because when I see these people, they are so full of life despite having this disease. They suffer quietly and carry on with their duties. There are young mothers, homemakers, professionals — all of them carry on without letting the disease define them. They say, ‘We have this, but we will try and do our best.’ So that is what it is, an unbreakable spirit.

Can you mention any significant challenges that you have faced?

The main challenge was that people don’t open up, especially about their personal life. Some professionals working for big firms keep their condition hidden due to the attached stigma. Sometimes its not the stigma, people don’t understand what is MS. Writing this book aims to create awareness about these symptoms. So those who are suffering, showing these symptoms, they will go to the doctor, to a neurologist and get them self tested, because it is in the MRI, or they take a the lumbar puncture, they collect the fluid, and then also it can show that you may have MS.

What inspired your approach in writing this book?

When I embarked on the journey of penning books addressing learning difficulties in children considered normal but struggling with classroom learning, my motivation was rooted in the desire to raise awareness. Having authored three books and numerous articles on the subject, my passion is fuelled by the need to shed light on lesser-known areas. Having moved from Bombay to my current location 40 years ago, I noticed a stark contrast in awareness levels, particularly regarding dyslexia. This realisation prompted me to write, despite lacking a journalistic background, with the aim of creating awareness. Similarly, my latest book on multiple sclerosis serves as another endeavour to illuminate a lesser-known issue.


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