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Sims 4 Player Has Managed To Collect Every Single Death Available In The Game


  • Sims fans enjoy getting creative with killing off their creations in various entertaining and grim ways. It’s all in good fun!
  • Player CatRosalina impressively collected every death available in The Sims 4 over a year, even creating a room of death trophies.
  • The Sims community eagerly awaits a guide from CatRosalina on achieving all the eccentric and dark deaths in the game.

Throughout The Sims franchise, players have enjoyed nothing more than taking their poor innocent creations and finding the worst ways possible to kill them off. From the strangest ways to the cruelest, there is something about The Sims that brings out our most evil and darkest side – but it’s fun, so who cares!

Whether it is setting fire to them, drowning them in a pool, laughing themselves to death, dying from embarrassment, or the rather vanilla and boring act of dying from old age, there are so many ways to experiment with sending your sim to their grave, but one player took it a step even further by collecting every single death available in The Sims 4 and even made a room dedicated to all their past victims as trophies. We aren’t sure whether to clap or be very worried about this one…

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The Sims 4 is packed to the brim with horrifying yet brilliant deaths that haven’t disappointed fans who love to get in tune with their devious side. Although most of us take some kind of joy in watching our sims kick the bucket in humorous ways, like by having too much “woohoo” or being fed a puffer fish while innocently enjoying a restaurant-quality meal, yet very few players actually manage to get every single death going due to how many there is and how long this would take to achieve.

Reddit user CatRosalina is certainly an exception to these rules as they have created a post about how they have managed to get every death in the game over the space of a year. Not only have they brilliantly achieved this lengthy feat, but they also have made an entire room in commemoration of all their sims who have died, including animals, and designed little logos on each one indicating what death they experienced.

In the comment section of the threat, Cat stated that they also have at least 200 graves on one of their sim lots as well and has asked the sim community if they would be interested in a guide that showcases how to get this death challenge.

Of course, the replies were a resounding yes, with many players loving the idea, especially so when it comes to how to achieve the bunny’s death. So, if you fancy learning all the chaotic and psychopathic ways to end your sim’s life, like being swarmed to death by flies, killing them with a venting machine, death by mold, or being mauled by a chicken, keep an eye on CatRosaline’s Reddit posts!


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