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Silent Hill 2 Remake Will Focus On Psychological Horror As “Fighting Creatures Is Not That Important”


  • Silent Hill 2 remake by Bloober Team will prioritize psychological horror over combat, capturing the essence of the original game.
  • Okamoto chose Bloober Team for their understanding of Silent Hill’s psychological horror elements from their experience with Layers of Fear.
  • Combat in the remake will be minimized to enhance the setting’s creepiness, focusing on the psychological torment of the protagonist.

Silent Hill is hands down one of the top atmospheric horror franchises across all mediums. Few IPs match the fog’s eerie impact (Stephen King’s The Mist came pretty close) and the psychological torment plaguing James’ plight to find his wife in Silent Hill 2 will be a focal point in Bloober Team’s remake.

After Sony’s underwhelming State of Play showcase back in May – a collective opinion in the community – the Silent Hill Transmission was a saving grace. Debuting an extensive dive into gameplay and a behind-the-scenes look at the upcoming movie Return to Silent Hill (sadly, Pyramid Head’s previous reveal looked like an action figure), the reboot of Konami’s acclaimed videogame series has an exciting future ahead.


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Silent Hill 2 Remake Will Prioritize Psychological Elements Over Combat

During an interview with Famitsu, producer Motoi Okamoto touched on the team’s decision to remake the acclaimed 2001 release over developing a new series title. Considering the pipeline stuffed with exciting horror games, Okamoto was concerned that an original Konami game would be “lost and lost forever” because it would lack the “distinctive personality of Silent Hill”.

During Silent Hill 2 Remake’s development, Okamoto carefully considered what the “distinctive personality of Silent Hill” was. It was decided that the “psychological horror aspect, depicting the inner conflict of one’s mind, as if one is being driven into a corner” was the essence of the sequel.

Furthermore, Bloober Team was selected from a handful of developers keen to helm the remake because they “already understood that Silent Hill 2 is this kind of thing. They understood from the beginning that ‘psychological horror’ is what Silent Hill 2 best embodies”. Thanks to the team’s experience in the psychological horror subgenre with Layers of Fear, Okamoto believed in the team’s “passion” and “development experience”.

Still from Silent Hill 2 Remake of James attacking an enemy with a plank of wood.

Moving onto the remake’s combat, Okamoto confirmed the forest road scene at the beginning of the original game will appear in the remake “almost unchanged”. However, the first encounter sequence was initially delayed in the narrative to enhance the setting’s creepiness, as Okamoto stated “fighting creatures is not that important for Silent Hill 2”. The team wanted players to “enjoy the time before the real world turns to madness”.

Silent Hill 2

September 25, 2001

Team Silent (Video Game Developer)


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