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Patience wins the game- The New Indian Express

Express News Service

Life often takes its course, defying our plans and desires. The delays we encounter in various facets of life—health, career, or love—can be frustrating. It is human nature to want things promptly, but in these moments, it is crucial to remember a few fundamental truths that can transform our perspective.

Acceptance as the Initial Step
The journey towards understanding delay commences with acceptance. Resistance only compounds our suffering, hindering progress as we remain entrenched in denial. Flowing with the current, being assertive when necessary, and making decisions for the greater good—these are the ways to navigate life’s twists. The beauty of realising inner peace amid difficulty is unveiled when we cease resisting reality.

Delay Is not Denial—Reiterating a Fundamental Truth
Delay is not a denial of our desires; it’s a detour on the path to our aspirations. Recognising this truth is pivotal. Embracing the present, understanding that we are precisely where we are meant to be, helps relinquish the entitlement to immediate gratification. Life unfolds at its own pace, and what is destined for us will manifest in its own time.

Operating on a Higher Timetable
Our lives unfold on a divine timetable, distinct from our personal expectations or those of our families and friends. While our schedules may clash with our plans, acknowledging this greater timetable—whether termed God’s plan or the universe’s orchestration—brings a profound sense of peace. Amidst frustration, channeling hurt or disappointment towards faith and gratitude fosters resilience.

Rejection as Divine Redirection
Perceiving delay as divine redirection is an empowering perspective. It signals that what we longed for might not be meant for us at that moment. Trusting life’s redirection becomes imperative—a setback may be a precursor to something better or a preparation for what lies ahead.

Learning to Let Go and Surrender
Control is an illusion, and we are not in control of numerous things in life. You might feel like you are, but that is an illusion. Letting go is a powerful lesson within delay. It is about releasing the grip on the envisioned outcome and surrendering to life’s flow. While we plan, learning to let go of control over timelines lets us embrace life more fully.

Living in the Present
Delay teaches us the significance of focusing on the present, emphasising that life is a journey, not just a destination. Embracing the here and now becomes essential as we navigate delays, encouraging us to act today instead of fixating on tomorrow’s uncertainties.

Life’s delays are universal, but our response determines whether we make our lives miserable or extract hidden lessons. Embracing these invaluable teachings, we find fulfillment in the now, knowing that our path is being crafted for something extraordinary.

Coutinho is an integrative lifestyle expert

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