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Health Fitness

Lose weight with caution

KOCHI : In the age of social media, the desire to achieve a certain body image is pervasive. Yet, the dangers associated with rapid weight loss are often underestimated. Those jaw-dropping transformations may hide internal struggles, including hair transplants, kidney issues and liver problems. Quick weight loss often involves unhealthy practices, fads, risking muscle loss, nutrient deficiencies, stress on internal organs as well as emotional stress. The allure of quick fixes, promising five to 10kg loss in two weeks, needs careful scrutiny due to several reasons because chasing false promises can lead to potential harm.

Let’s look at a few points on why it can be dangerous for the body:

 Unscientific nature: Quick weight loss plans lack scientific proof, raising doubts about their credibility. For instance, extreme diets promising such rapid results often neglect the body’s natural processes.

  • Scientifically sound approaches consider the body’s limitations and focus on sustainable, healthy practices. It is essential to question programmes lacking scientific backing to avoid potential health risks associated with unverified claims.

  • Water and muscle loss: When you go for quick weight loss, you’re often losing water and muscle weight, not fat. Water weight drops because your body retains less water, and muscle loss occurs as your body breaks down muscle tissue for energy. Losing water and muscle can impact your body’s structure and vitality. It might show on the scale, but it’s not a healthy or sustainable way to lose weight.

  • Bone density reduction: Rapid weight loss raises concerns about long-term skeletal well-being, with the risk of conditions like osteoporosis, especially turning worrisome for individuals in their early or late 30s. Bones need a steady and gradual approach to adapt to changes in weight. Ignoring this aspect of weight loss may lead to weakened bones, making them more susceptible to fractures and compromising overall skeletal strength over time.

  • Unsustainability and Yo-yoing: Many jump into unsustainable plans, creating a cycle of losing and gaining weight.


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