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I Still Think About Dirge Of Cerberus: Final Fantasy 7


  • Dirge of Cerberus enriched FF7 lore with a captivating story, despite clunky gameplay flaws.
  • Vincent emerged as a reluctant yet compelling hero, contrasting with figures like Cloud.
  • The future of Dirge of Cerberus in expanding FF7 Remake universe raises intriguing questions.

As I reflected on my recent journey through Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, memories of Vincent’s cinematic debut flooded my mind. His emergence from the coffin was a moment of pure delight, reminiscent of my past experience with Dirge of Cerberus Final Fantasy 7. And while the game was clunky as hell to get through, the story is what I still adore about this tragic entry. And part of me would love to see the game and the storybeats revisited.

A Memorable “Dirge”

Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy 7, released in August 2006 in North America, emerged amidst the development of Final Fantasy 12 and Crisis Core, enriching the FF7 lore and exploring new frontiers. I remember eagerly anticipating its release, living in my first apartment within walking distance of a GameStop. The friendly employee there knew me well, having seen me frequent the store regularly. When he mentioned the game’s upcoming release, I was sold.

I traded in a few games, preordered Dirge of Cerberus, and eagerly awaited the midnight release. I remember the restless night before, filled with excitement and anticipation. Despite knowing I had a class the next morning, I couldn’t resist the urge to indulge in the game I’d been eagerly awaiting. So, I sacrificed my first class to steal a bit more time for sleep. On some level, skipping class didn’t feel worth it.


Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Gave Me The Moment I’ve Needed For 15 Years

My heart can’t take it.

Dirge Of Criticisms

Vincent finds out about Deepground in Dirge Of Cerberus Final Fantasy 7

Stepping away from the turn-based realms of Final Fantasy 8, Legend of Dragoon, and Final Fantasy 10 into the frenetic world of Dirge of Cerberus was like entering uncharted territory. My gaming background had been steeped in the meticulous planning and strategic maneuvering of RPGs, making the transition to the split-second reactions and spatial awareness demanded by Dirge of Cerberus a daunting challenge.

As I delved deeper into Dirge of Cerberus, its flaws became increasingly apparent. The lackluster targeting system, unforgiving difficulty level, and simplistic AI detracted from the immersive experience I had anticipated. The game seemed insistent on punishing any deviation from a specific upgrade path for Vincent, which left me frustrated and feeling unfairly penalized. I wasn’t aiming to specialize in sniping, yet the game made enemies firing from a distance unbearable to deal with. This frustration reached a boiling point, nearly driving me to the brink of controller destruction.

Yet, amidst the frustration of gameplay, Dirge of Cerberus offered something truly captivating: its lengthy cutscenes. While many criticized their duration, I found them to be the highlight of my experience. These cinematic interludes provided a welcome escape from the challenging gameplay, offering moments of immersion akin to melodramatic episodes. Each time a cutscene began, I eagerly paused the game, ensuring I had my snacks ready for the engrossing narrative ahead. They transformed my gaming sessions into memorable cinematic journeys, where the taste of orange juice and the comforting sweetness of Little Debbie’s oatmeal creme pie cookies accompanied Vincent and his allies on their quest for peace.


Tifa And Aerith Are The Heart And Soul Of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

The pair elevate the narrative into something more nuanced.

Vincent’s Time To Shine

Lucrecia looks concerned in Dirge Of Cerberus Final Fantasy 7

Dirge Of Cerberus begins in the wake of the game world’s prior crisis. The Planet faces fresh peril from Deepground, a group intent on unleashing the powerful Omega entity. Vincent, a former SOLDIER member, becomes entangled in their scheme, hunted by elite soldiers. Assisted by allies like Reeve and Yuffie, Vincent confronts his past, battling both external threats and inner turmoil as he struggles to control a formidable force within. Through sacrifice and determination, Vincent ultimately prevails over Deepground, averting Omega’s catastrophic emergence and restoring peace to the Planet.

Vincent emerges as a reluctant yet compelling hero, contrasting with figures like Cloud within this realm of heroes. Throughout the game, he gradually opens up in his own way, while even lesser-explored characters like Cait Sith receive moments to shine. Particularly noteworthy is the ending, which enriches the original’s conclusion, offering insight into the post-crisis lives of the characters, surpassing even the depth of the film Advent Children. It brought a tear to my eye as the original crew had a Power Rangers moment, as they all came together to help Vincent extinguish the ultimate evil.

The Future Of Vincent And Dirge

Yuffie and the gang empower Vincent in Dirge Of Cerberus Final Fantasy 7

Considering Advent Children’s canonical status within the Remake narrative, Dirge of Cerberus’ continuation raises intriguing questions about its role in the expanding multiverse metanarrative. Weiss, a character with a significant presence in Yuffie’s narrative strand within the Remake DLC, also plays a pivotal role in Dirge of Cerberus, receiving substantial backstory and development. This suggests that the developers are cooking up something substantial, indicating a willingness to incorporate major elements from both the original game and its expanded universe into the Remake’s narrative tapestry. Given the complexity and depth of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth’s storyline, it seems unlikely that they would shy away from integrating such significant aspects into the Remake’s evolving narrative.

Furthermore, the possibility of a remaster or remake of Dirge of Cerberus sparks speculation. While the game initially struggled upon its release, there’s potential for Square Enix to capitalize on its universe-building opportunities. A remaster or remake could serve as a “novella-style” video game, providing fans with additional content to tide them over during the anticipated wait for the final part of the Remake trilogy. However, any such release would likely require a significant overhaul of the combat system, particularly if it embraces a third-person shooter style. Improved fluidity and responsiveness would be essential for modern audiences, but the prospect of revisiting Dirge of Cerberus with updated mechanics holds nostalgic appeal. Personally, I’d eagerly anticipate its release, perhaps even celebrating with a glass of orange juice and a Little Debbie’s oatmeal crème pie cookie as it downloads onto my PS5.


Crisis Core Stole Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part 3’s Reunion Title

Rebirth’s robed men teased “Reunion” throughout.


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