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How To Read Castaway Journals

You can find plenty of journals in Palworld. Here’s how you can read them.

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Palworld is already a massive game, despite being in early access. You can find a ton of different secrets and surprises all around the Palworld universe that can come as a total shock to players.


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One thing that a lot of players find but don’t really interact with are the journals around the map. These journals can give you some amazing insights into the world. Here’s how you can read those journals and learn more.


January 19, 2024

Pocketpair Inc.

What Are Journals?

Palworld - Journals

Journals are notes that have been left behind by others who are roaming the world of Pals. Interestingly, you can find these scattered around, and some belong to an unknown writer, while others belong to the five Tower Bosses that have set up shop around the game’s world.

Types Of Journals

There are six different types of journals in the game.

  • Axel Traverse’s Diary: Axel’s journal is filled with information about his journey around the world. You can find some useful landmarks and areas in them.
  • Castaway’s Journals: These journals are from someone similar to the player character. They have been shipwrecked on the island and are writing down their observations as they go. These entries usually feature insight into the area and the Pals around you.
  • Lily Everhart’s Diaries: These belong to Lily, and they are some pretty useful ones. They detail the flora around the area and how to make it into special medicines.
  • Marcus Dryden’s Diaries: Marcus usually writes his journals on the ancient civilizations that once dotted the area. You can find some useful information about these civilizations by reading these.
  • Victor Ashford’s Diaries: Victor wrote about the technology that he was experimenting with, leaving you some valuable blueprints and information.
  • Zoe Rayne’s Diaries: These dairies capture Zoe’s life. They usually detail secrets and hidden areas that hold rare Pals.

How Do You Read Journals?

While you can find journals all over the map, the game doesn’t tell you much when it comes to how to actually read them. In order to do this, you will want to head to your main menu. From there, navigate to the options setting. Once you’re inside the options area, you will be able to select the journals option. This will allow you to look and see what journals you have found and which are missing. You can also read them here.


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