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How To Heat Up Your Egg Incubator

You will grow your collection of Pals beyond just going out to find them in the wild and capturing them. In Palworld, you are also going to be able to raise a Pal from its moment of birth, all the way to its bitter end. This is done through a couple of methods, but they both involve incubating a Pal’s egg. You may find these out in the game world, tucked into corners, or you may get an egg from breeding Pals together. When you have an egg, you must incubate it in order to get the Pal to hatch, and sometimes, that egg can get a little cold. Fortunately, there is a way to warm the egg back up.


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Now, warming an egg is not something that the game really explains how to do, and there isn’t a special piece of equipment that you can use to raise an egg’s temperature. It is a bit of a tricky process that comes with a handful of risks that you need to be mindful of. But, once you have the right system set up, keeping an egg warm is a simple task. That’s why this guide is here to help teach you how to reach that point.


January 19, 2024

Pocketpair Inc.

How To Warm Your Egg Incubator

Palworld - Variety of Pal Eggs

As mentioned before, there is no piece of equipment that you can build that is going to serve the sole purpose of warming up your egg incubator. Instead, you are going to have to rely on the game’s temperature mechanics just as you would for your character.

You see, the game has its own sources of heat that you can use to keep yourself warm in cold environments, and the best method to warm an egg incubator is to use the very first source the game gives you: a campfire.

Every campfire has a radius that it will reach, giving heat off that you will mostly use to keep yourself alive at night. But if you place an egg incubator near it, that warmth will also reach the egg. This is the best option as it avoids the risk of overheating the egg.

You can also put a Primitive Furnace on the other side of the egg to really create a great, warm environment that will heat up the egg from its cold status in no time.

Overheating an egg is very easy to do, which can be done if you place the egg incubator too close to several different sources of heat. Just keeping it by a fire will bring its temperature up to a good level easily, and you can even use a Kindling Pal to speed that process up.

Just, again, don’t do it too much or the egg will overheat, and you don’t want that to happen, as it will cause a delay in the incubation process.

Fortunately, the game will give you warning messages when an egg is getting too hot or too cold, so you can easily fix this issue before it gets out of hand. Just pay attention to what the game is telling you.


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