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Helldivers 2: Complete Enemy List

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Helldivers 2 is a fantastic sci-fi shooter pitting teams of up to 4 Helldivers against the murderous forces of the swarming Terminids or the baby-stealing Automaton menace. Each mission drops you into a hostile warzone with specific mission objectives, with several side objectives thrown into the mix (along with a number of smaller secret discoveries) before needing to extract and return to your Destroyer in orbit.


Helldivers 2: New Meta Loadouts

This guide details the best loadouts that complement each other across all difficulty levels as established in Helldivers 2’s new meta.

The two current enemy factions (Terminids and Automatons) each feature a number of deadly enemy types that you’ll face on your missions, depending on which faction occupies the given planet. These enemies all have their own unique quirks, strengths, and weaknesses, and it’s important to know what you might expect to face on any given battlefield.

Updated by Jeff Brooks on March 29, 2024: this guide has been updated to include information about the new Terminid enemy type, the Shrieker! These flying pests are easy to deal with in small groups, but once they start swarming, you’ll be hard-pressed to avoid casualties. They do very little damage on their own, but they’re extremely lethal after being killed. Once dead, their body becomes a 1-hit kill projectile, so if they’re swarming directly overhead, watch out for the raining instakills from above! They typically are docile until you near one of their distinctive nests, so when you spot a nest, it’s best to take it out from a distance with an Autocannon, Quasar Cannon, or powerful Stratagems before the Shriekers swarm en masse.

Helldivers 2

February 8, 2024

Arrowhead Game Studios AB

All Terminid Enemy Units

helldivers 2 bile titan and minions

The Terminids are an insect faction that swarms over planets, and they must be pushed back with the gentle but firm fist of managed Democracy! Below, you’ll find information on each Terminid enemy type, along with a short description (source: PSN) and in which difficulty setting you can encounter each enemy (though some more difficult enemies are pretty rare in the lower difficulty settings).

In the tables below, all images are expandable if you want a real good look at these enemies of Democracy.

Enemy Name

Official Description

Difficulty Mode


“The brainless Scavengers is the lowliest of Terminids. Upon encountering an agent of Liberty, it emits a piercing scream that attracts nearby bugs in a reflexive attempt to destroy freedom.”

Trivial or higher


“Warriors are the natural end result of a species optimized for mindless expansion. In controlled environments, they have eviscerated innocent baby cows in under a second. One can only imagine what they would do to innocent baby humans.”

Trivial or higher


“The pesky Hunters are known to dodge incoming fire with swift leaps. Scientists note that while this behavior might appear intelligent, it is merely a base instinct, akin to a housefly avoiding an incoming swat.”

Trivial or higher


“A side effect of Terminid gene splicing research, Stalkers can camouflage themselves almost to the point of invisibility. But nothing can hide from the cleansing light of Freedom forever.”

Easy or higher

Bile Spewers

“Bile Spewers appeared following unavoidable spills of toxic chemicals on Terminid E-710 farms. The Bile Spewer’s thorax is bloated with several metric tons of corrosive acid, which it vomits in revulsion upon encountering Democracy.”

Medium or higher

Bile Titans

“The largest known Terminid strain, a single Bile Titan can destroy an entire SEAF platoon on its own. Engagement is not recommended without the support of heavy duty Orbital Stratagems or a high personnel replacement budget.”

Challenging or higher


“A rushing Charger is nearly impossible to stop, thanks to its meter-thick exoskeleton. Therefore, the recommended response protocol to this situation is the prompt execution of a Rapid Lateral Movement (RLM).”

Medium or higher

Brood Commanders

“Directing its foul brethren with a mixture of pheromone-like spores and authoritarian shrieks, the bloodthirsty Brood Commander is a rare and deadly strain known for its undeniable hatred of the right to vote.”

Easy or higher


“A new strain of flying Terminids has suddenly appeared across all Terminid planets, with no prior warning or indication of any kind. While the Ministry of Intelligence has always known this was a possibility, the abruptness of the evolution indicates a high possibility of dissident concealment.”

Suicide Mission or higher


Helldivers 2: Who Is Joel The Game Master?

Helldivers 2 devs revealed the existence of a Game Master, Joel, who oversees the war effort. But what does this enigmatic figure do?

All Automaton Enemy Units

Several types of Automaton enemies in front of a building

The Automaton Collective is the robotic/cyborg faction you’ll have to contend with as a Helldiver. These enemies for many can be quite a bit more challenging than their insectoid counterparts, as they are more prone to holding entrenched positions and shooting back from cover. You’ll need to make healthy use of your best Stratagems against these foes to come out on top.

Enemy Name

Official Description

Difficulty Mode


“Troopers are little more than guns with legs, base caricatures of consciousness fused to machine guns and rocket launchers. Unlike Super Earth, the bots seem to believe that strapping heavy weaponry to expendable cannon fodder is the solution to every problem.”

Trivial or higher


“A crude simulation of military leadership, the Commissar is augmented with slightly faster processing and a crude command subroutine. The Commissar stays out of combat if possible, as despicably cowardly as it is unequivocally non-sentient.”

Trivial or higher

Scout Strider

“The Scout Strider is a machine operated by a machine, a walking turret guided by the limited intelligence of an Automaton Trooper. Another fruitless attempt to ape true intelligence, in this case by exercising mastery over a machine even more primitive than themselves.”

Medium or higher


“A primitive actualization of barbarity, the Berserker has CPUs in each chainsaw that are programmed to solve one problem: closing the space between saw and target as quickly as possible.”

Easy or higher


“The ironclad Devastator seeks to crush opponents of the Automatons’ totalitarian worldview with a diverse array of heinous weaponry: arm-cannons, arm-shields, arm-machineguns and arm-rocket-launchers. Variants: Armcannon (Base), MG/Heavy, Rocket.”

Medium or Higher


“As with all Automaton units, the plodding Hulk is brainlessly optimized to do nothing except deliver heavy firepower. If encountered, the recommended protocol for Helldivers is to immediately call in the largest orbital bombardment available. Variants: Autocannon/Rocket, Flame, Rocket.”

Challenging or higher


“Shamelessly copied from Super Earth tank designs, the Automaton Tank is clearly inferior in such a multitude of aspects that it woudl be impractical to list them here. Variants: Heavy Cannon, Quad HMG.”

Hard or higher


“Packed to the brim with Robotic Infantry, Dropships conduct rapid deployment of mindless, mechanized despotism.”

Trivial or higher

If you’re interested in tips on taking out the challenging foes in Helldivers 2, check out our guide on how to defeat each Terminid enemy type, as well as our guide on how to defeat each Automaton enemy in the game.


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Ship Module upgrades are one of the best ways to enhance your Helldivers 2 experience. This list breaks down the best ones you need to unlock ASAP.


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