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Hair and now: Platelet-Rich Plasma therapy- The New Indian Express

Express News Service

From the shelves lined with promising serums to the ceaseless experimentation with home remedies, the battle with hair loss is fraught with various attempts, each promising a reversal of the inevitable. The journey is not just about hair; it’s about regaining a piece of oneself.

Now, a new idea has debuted—Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy. It’s getting attention because it’s a different approach. Instead of just managing the problem, it aims to trigger the body’s own healing power by concentrating platelets from the patient’s blood to revive hair follicles.


Blood Collection: Commencing with a routine blood draw from the patient’s arm, a small amount is collected and sent for basic lab tests.

Separation of Blood Components: The sample undergoes centrifugation, a process that separates its components. Red blood cells settle at the bottom, PRP ascends to the top, and the middle layer, known as the buffy coat, comprises white blood cells and platelets.

Extraction and Injection: The PRP is extracted and then injected into the patient’s scalp. This contains growth factors capable of triggering cell reproduction and stimulating tissue regeneration, effectively signaling the scalp to initiate hair growth in targeted areas.

The underlying concept of the therapy revolves around augmenting platelet concentration in the scalp, thereby enhancing the body’s innate ability to foster hair growth. The entire procedure, lasting approximately an hour, is minimally invasive and generally not painful.

Patients can promptly resume normal activities post-procedure, albeit with potential tenderness and swelling. While PRP isn’t a cure for hair loss conditions, it holds promise as a treatment to encourage growth. Often combined with other interventions, a consultation with a healthcare provider is imperative to determine its suitability.

The medical community, however, lacks a unanimous stance on PRP effectiveness, with proponents citing positive outcomes, even as  others advocate for extensive, large-scale studies to validate its benefits. In essence, the efficacy varies widely.

How it Works

● PRP operates by leveraging the body’s healing mechanisms, with platelet-derived growth factors promoting tissue repair and rejuvenation, theoretically fostering hair follicle revival and new 
hair growth

● Several studies show promising results, especially in cases of androgenetic alopecia (pattern baldness), with increased hair density and reduced hair loss observed. Outcomes, however, can be inconsistent.

●  The effectiveness hinges on factors such as the patient’s health, type and severity of hair loss, PRP preparation method, and treatment protocol, including the number and interval of sessions

● The therapy may serve as an alternative for individuals unresponsive to treatments like minoxidil or finasteride, appealing to those preferring a more natural approach by utilising the body’s own cells.

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