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Dragons Dogma 2: Where To Find Medusa

There is no shortage of mythical creatures to encounter while exploring the wilds in Dragon’s Dogma 2. In fact, the very first one you encounter happens during the tutorial itself; the game ruthlessly pits you against a formidable Medusa before you even know how to fight.


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But long after you’ve passed this tutorial area, you may find yourself wondering how you can hunt down Medusa and finish the job. Well, if you want to know where to find Medusa and how to kill her, you’re in the right place.

Where To Find Medusa

Dragons Dogma 2 Medusa Map Location

Although you are introduced to her in the beginning of the game, you likely won’t be able to reach her for at least 20 hours or so since she is located in a later part of the map. But that is also probably a good thing since reaching her too early would likely result in death anyway.

Once you have completed the first arch of the story that takes place in Vernworth and the surrounding areas, you’ll eventually cross the border into Battahl. This area is far more dangerous, and you’ll need to journey far into the depths of it to find your prey. Start by locating the main city, Bakbattahl, located on the eastern side of the desert. From here, ride the gondola down to Battahl Ropewag Central Station. From here, take the southern-facing gondola all the way down to Station 4. This will get you near the edge of the desert.

From Station 4, head south to the Nera Battahl Windrift area shown in the map image above. You’ll know you’re on the right path when you start seeing petrified corpses littering the road. There are two paths here, one that leads up the mountain to a dragon, and the shorter path that leads to Caligunous Cave where you’ll find Medusa. You’ll find her in a big area with ancient ruins shortly after you enter the cave.


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How To Defeat Medusa

Dragons Dogma 2 Medusa Boss Battle

As you’d expect, Medusa’s most lethal attack is her petrification. Her eyes function essentially like a searchlight, so do everything you can to stay out of her gaze as you approach her. Luckily, you can hide behind the rubble lying around if need be.

The key to taking her out without getting petrified is to climb her and attack her head directly. If you are strong enough to reach her in the first place, you’ll likely be able to take her down without much trouble. Be warned that she will throw you off though, so be prepared to run away from her gaze and reapproach her again when your stamina has fully recharged, and you’ll take her down in no time.

Medusa Rewards

Dragons Dogma 2 Medusa Rewards

After you have finally whittled down her health bar, you’ll finish Medusa off with an incredibly satisfying decapitation. After wiping off the copious amounts of blood she drenches you in, you’ll be awarded with around 10,000 xp, and 250 dcp.

But the best reward of all is that you get to keep Medusa’s head for yourself. Her head becomes an equipable item that takes the place of your lantern when equipped. If you press the usual command to turn the lantern on, you’ll instead hold her head in front of you and petrify anything caught in its gaze. Be warned though, you can only use the head for a few seconds before it is destroyed. So it’s really best to think of it as a quest item and save it for a worthy quest where you can make use of it, like A Case Of Sculptor’s Block.


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