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Dragons Dogma 2: What Is A Moniker

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So, unless you’ve been living under a rock, you are probably aware by now that the next big gaming hit is here – Dragon’s Dogma 2. Capcom teased us a couple of weeks before the game release with early access to the character creator, which allowed us to get a headstart on our adventure since creating your main character and main Pawn is no doubt a time-consuming task.


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One of the options you must choose before finally saving your masterpiece is a moniker. But what is a moniker, and how does it play into the game itself? We’ll answer all of your questions in this guide.

What Is A Moniker?

Dragons Dogma 2_ Moniker, Explained

In short, a moniker is a nickname. Sometimes, we may personally have longer names or choose to use full names when creating our characters in a game. Depending on how the rest of the names in the game work, yours may be the one that stands out if it is too long or includes the first and last name you chose.

While most games don’t have a moniker system, Dragon’s Dogma 2 did include it as an option. However, rather than choosing your own nickname, you have to choose from a list Capcom provides, albeit a very robust list. While many common names are in this list, don’t expect to see anything resembling your highly creative username or the anime character reference you decided to go with.


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How Does The Moniker Affect Gameplay?

Dragons Dogma 2_ Moniker Affects

Surprisingly, the moniker really doesn’t come into play in Dragon’s Dogma 2, at least not yet. The team at DualShockers was fortunate enough to get our hands on the game about 10 days early, and despite playing through the entire story, there was never really a point where the moniker factored in.

You are able to see your moniker and other players’ monikers when summoning pawns. However, even so, the regular name the player chose will still be the one the pawn will primarily go by. You’ll only be able to see their chosen moniker by viewing the pawn’s status screen.

It is a peculiar thing for Capcom to include and not make use of in-game. Although nothing is confirmed, it is possible the moniker could play a larger role in the future with subsequent updates or DLC. Who knows, maybe we’ll even get a fancy AI system that will allow NPCs to speak our chosen monikers in-game. But for now, try not to spend too much time choosing your moniker as it really won’t affect anything about your playthrough.


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