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Dragon’s Dogma 2 Player Breaks Bad News To Mutual After Pawn Gets Dragonsplague


  • Watch out for Dragonsplague in Dragon’s Dogma 2 – those red eyes might not just be a cool effect on your pawn!
  • Multiplayer feature in the game offers a fun way to bond with friends as you explore the fantasy world together.
  • Be prepared to be an eyeball inspector in the game – throwing infected pawns off cliffs may be your only option!

Between Drakes, giant trolls and savage wolves, Dragon’s Dogma 2 players are having the time of their lives in Capcom’s newest fantasy adventure as they roam the planes between the two nations of Vermund and Battahl. Thankfully, they don’t have to undertake the adventure alone as the game’s AI pawns make for welcome company as well as hardy battle companions.

Unfortunately, not everything is plain sailing as the loyal pawns are now susceptible to Dragonsplague, a strange affliction that infects them without much notice until they go off on an NPC killing rampage. But one subtle clue is that their eyes turn blood red so, for those who might not know this factor, it can be a bit of a strange thing to be faced with. One player found out the hard way after hiring their friend’s pawn who they assumed had a cool, customized “red eye effect”. Boy, were they in for a shock.


CD Projekt CFO Doesn’t See A Place For Microtransactions In Single-Player Games Amid Dragon’s Dogma 2 Controversy

Multiplayer is still fair game, though.

That’s A Feature, Not A Bug

Being able to summon a friend’s pawn in Dragon’s Dogma 2 is a great way to experience the RPG (kinda) together, at the very least giving you both something to bound over as you both adventure into the unknown.

Those who aren’t aware of the dreaded Dragonsplague may not know what to look out for and by the time those red eyes appear on their pawn, it’s probably already too late. Twitter user SweetPeachGames has taken to social media to tell the doomed story about how their friend hired one of their pawns and followed it up by sending a picture of themselves traveling innocently with them. Things started to go downhill when SweetPeach’s mutual asked them how they got that “red eye effect” on the pawn.

In what can only be described as sheer panic, SweetPeach replied in shock by saying “Get rid of her!” because she obviously had been infected by the grisly plaque. Thankfully, the diseased pawn was banished before she could bring an entire village down, turning their gameplay into an ensanguined NPC bloodbath! All because they thought it was some special “red eyed effect” you could just customize your pawn with. Oh, my sweet summer child.

It seems as though Dragonsplague is certainly doing what it’s set out to do and that’s making players super paranoid, and turning them into eyeball inspectors. Of course, the game does allow Arisen’s to take pawns out themselves if they suspect foul play by throwing them into the water or throwing them off a cliff usually does the job.


Dragon’s Dogma 2 Player Makes The Ultimate Big Brain Play To Descend Cliff

Can’t be bothered to take the long way around? This player has a solution.


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