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Diabetes doesn’t hide skin issues

7. Blisters: While uncommon, individuals with diabetes may experience the formation of blisters on their skin, known as bullosis diabeticorum or diabetic bullae. These blisters can emerge suddenly on the hands, feet, legs, or forearms and may resemble blisters caused by burns.

8. Shin Spots: Diabetic dermopathy, a prevalent skin condition among individuals with diabetes, present as subtle depressions in the skin. Typically observed as brown spots or lines primarily on the shins, but can also appear on other body areas like the arms, thighs, or trunk.

9. Acheocodons or Skin Tags: Insulin resistance and prediabetes, often lacking noticeable symptoms, can provoke hormonal imbalances that stimulate the excessive production of skin cells, resulting in the formation of skin tags. These small, flesh-coloured growths can emerge on various body parts, including the neck, armpits, and groin.

10. Alopecia Aereata: Alopecia areata, a distinct subtype of alopecia, is frequently encountered as it stems from an auto immune dysfunction. In individuals with diabetes, this condition can lead to patchy hair loss, affecting areas such as the scalp, eyebrows, and eyelashes.

11. Changes in Body Type: Diabetes often triggers alterations in body composition, including weight gain, obesity, and accumulation of abdominal fat. Type 2 diabetes, characterised by insulin resistance, prompts the body to store surplus fat, contributing to increased weight.

How to manage it?

To effectively manage skin issues associated with diabetes, individuals should prioritise blood sugar control and adopt a holistic approach to skincare. This includes avoiding harsh chemicals, moisturising regularly, opting for mild soap, and refraining from hot showers. A balanced diet, regular exercise, sufficient sleep are vital for overall health and skin wellness.

Celebrity Dermatologist & Anti Skin Allergy Specialist, Delhi


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