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Cyberpunk 2077 Devs Shocked By Huge Review Milestone


  • Cyberpunk 2077’s recent overwhelmingly positive reviews on Steam show how much the game has improved since its troubled launch.
  • CD Projekt Red’s dedication to post-launch patches and DLC has transformed Cyberpunk 2077 into a must-play RPG of the decade.
  • The game’s developers express their gratitude to the community for giving Cyberpunk 2077 a second chance and acknowledging its success.

Developers from Cyberpunk 2077 studio CD Projekt Red are expressing their gratitude to the game’s community after it passed a massive milestone on Steam. The monumental RPG has now received the ‘overwhelmingly positive’ badge when it comes to recent reviews on the platform. An impressive feat when you take into account the game’s rocky history.

The once-troubled Cyberpunk 2077 is, arguably, one of the greatest redemption stories in gaming. What started out as a game filled with so many bugs, glitches, and performance issues that it was removed from the PlayStation Store, has become one of the greatest RPGs of the past decade.


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Cyberpunk 2077’s turn-around is due to the developer’s dedication to making it the game that it was supposed to be at launch. Through a large number of post-launch patches and one massive DLC, Cyberpunk 2077 is a must-play for any gamer. Now it looks like all of CD Projekt Red’s hard work is finally paying off, as reviewers don’t have a bad thing to say about it.

CD Projekt Red Reacts To Cyberpunk 2077 Review Milestone

Over on Steam, 95% of Cyberpunk 2077’s almost 7,000 recent reviews are positive, which has resulted in the recent review badge becoming ‘overwhelmingly positive’. This was picked up by CD Projekt Red’s Global Community Director, Marcin Momot, who said: “Recent Cyberpunk 2077 Steam reviews sitting at 95% and Overwhelmingly Positive. Thank you, thank you, thank you!”

CD Projekt Red’s Associate Game Director also chimed in to express their happiness over Cyberpunk 2077’s recent reviews. “You can’t imagine how much it means to me,” Pawel Sasko said on X (formerly Twitter). “I have never been close to giving up and always believed this could be somehow possible, but never thought I [would] actually see it. Thank you so much for the second chance chooms.”

Many of the reviews couldn’t speak highly enough of Cyberpunk 2077. One user said: “This is, quite simply, one of the best games ever made. Full stop.” While another simply said: “Game of the decade.”

In our recent re-review of Cyberpunk 2077, we gave it an 8/10 and called it “one of the most remarkable gaming experiences of recent years.”

Cyberpunk 2077

December 10, 2020


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