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Be waxed paper, not velcro- The New Indian Express

Express News Service

Navigating the complex terrain of emotions can be challenging for anyone. As you engage with the world, you encounter the feelings others project, which can sometimes cling to, leading to emotional depletion. This is why it becomes important to identify the emotions that belong to you and those that don’t. Here are the two types of people based on their emotional energies:

1. Velcro Emotional Energy Type

If you have ever had to extract a burr from a dog’s fur, you likely understand that these thorns can deeply penetrate the skin and result in persistent discomfort. The same principle applies here: Velcro types accumulate negative energy from comments and interactions of those around them, carrying these emotional burs with them. Since feelings easily stick and linger to this type, they are also often unaware of how to release it.

2. Waxed Paper Emotional Energy Type

In contrast, the waxed paper emotional energy type is smooth and resilient. People belonging to this category can deflect others’ emotions and maintain boundaries. They have the self-awareness to differentiate between their own emotions and those of others, recognising that they don’t need to carry 
the emotional baggage of others. They remain emotionally centred and are less likely to be derailed by external influences.

Imagine a situation where someone makes an unwarranted comment about you appearing particularly tired. This comment may trigger difficult feelings, making you question if you have noticeable eye bags or if you are coming across as slow or sluggish. Being a Velcro means reacting to the actions of others, making it challenging to regulate one’s own emotions. On the other hand, the waxed paper is more confident and capable of handling external stimuli without becoming overwhelmed. That said, 
it’s not about completely ignoring or rejecting others’ feelings, but recognising when to engage with it and when to set boundaries. Here’s how you can manage your emotional energies:

Self-Awareness: Recognise when you are acting as a sponge for others’ emotions and evaluate whether these belong to you or others.

Mindful Responses: Before reacting to a trigger, consider why it affects you. Is it something within you that needs attention, or is it the other person’s issue? Engage in thoughtful responses rather than 
impulsive reactions.

Journalling: Keeping a diary to track instances where you have absorbed others’ emotions can help you 
gain insights into your own patterns and triggers.

Setting Boundaries: Establish emotional limits to protect yourself from unnecessary burdens. It’s not about shutting out others but maintaining a healthy separation.

Professional Help: Seek guidance from professionals like a therapist or psychologist to process complex feelings.

Developing emotional resilience is an ongoing journey, and with practice, it’s possible to transform from a Velcro emotional energy type to a waxed paper.

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