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Avatar: Frontiers Of Pandora – 10 Best Weapons, Ranked

Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora is heavily reliant on seeking out the best food items and gear so that you can compete with the ever more powerful RDA. Weapons can be obtained from the main quest line, from vendors, from side quests, and even from unassuming chests. This can lead to fear of missing out. Have you gotten the best ones?


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Luckily, there are clear winners at each stage of the game to help you take back Pandora. Keep reading to hear about the ten best weapons in the game based on their damage, how early you can get them, and which special ammunition they have.

Avatar Frontiers of Pandora

December 7, 2023

Massive Entertainment

10 AG-7201 Rider Assault Rifle

Best Assault Rifle, For What That’s Worth

The AG 7201 Rider Assault Rifle

You’ll find several variations on the AG-7201 throughout your playthrough, each with slightly different statistics. The best is the Rider, which grants you +15% damage against RDA and +15% damage while mounted. This makes it good for drive-bys on your Direhorse or Ikran. However, it’s worth noting that the Assault Rifles in this game all feel pretty lackluster. While the high rate of fire is nice, most enemies have so much health that it hardly has an effect on them. You’re probably better off using a shotgun if you can get close enough, or a longbow for mid-range engagements.

To get this Assault Rifle, you’ll need to take out the RDA base called Hydro-Oil Extractor Charlie on the Upper Plains. Then, you’ll be able to loot a room in the facility with a gear chest inside. The gun drops from the chest.

Weapon Type

Weapon Damage

Special Ammunition Type

Assault Rifle


Storm Ammo

9 The Nimble Longbow

An Early Game Weapon With Explosive Capabilities

The Nimble Longbow recipe shown in the player's journal

This Longbow is among the first designs you’ll be able to get your hands on. Pick it up from So’lek’s Vendor Screen once you reach HQ. It is very easy to craft, requiring only two branches of fine quality. These can be harvested from the Nightleaf Trees on the nearby cliffs (where you’ll be sent to locate Nori).

The reason it is such a good early game pick-up is the Grenade Arrows it carries — and the upgrade in stats over the bow given to you by So’lek. Other arrow types available at this time, such as poison and fire, simply can’t compare to the explosive ammunition. Grenade Arrows will allow you to deal with early AMPs and other armored enemies with a single shot, and they are much easier to aim than the Trip grenades from the Sling. In fact, this will likely be your longbow of choice until Storm Arrows become available later on.

Weapon Type

Weapon Damage

Special Ammunition Type


20 – 66

Grenade Arrow

8 The Mighty Shot Heavy Bow

An Excellent Sniping Bow For Early Game

The Mighty Shot Heavy Bow in the player's inventory

Similar to the Nimble Longbow, this heavy bow is available soon after this weapon type is unlocked. In order to get it, you’ll need to do the quest Hunters Hunted in Kinglor Forest. Once you reach the site of the RDA presence in the Mother of Rivers region, you’ll be prompted to hack a terminal to hear an audio clip. To the right of the terminal is an equipment chest with the Mighty Shot Heavy Bow inside.

Once you have this bow available, you’ll want to replace Eetu’s Bow immediately. The Fire Arrows of the Mighty Shot are leagues better than the Poison Arrows supported in your previous Heavy Bow. While poison arrows leave a cloud, fire arrows stick to their target. This means that an enemy you shoot will continue taking damage even after they move. If you are careful, you can use this to take down tanky enemies without breaking stealth, as the continued ticking doesn’t reveal a new location you’ve moved to after shooting.

Weapon Type

Weapon Damage

Special Ammunition Type

Heavy Bow


Fire Arrow

7 The RDA SC-II Light Shotgun

An Impressive Early Game Close Range Shotgun

The RDA SCII Light Shotgun in the players inventory

While the Shotgun weapon category is, in general, stacked, the RDA SC-II Light Shotgun is one of the best you’ll get early on. To get it, complete “The Unsung Hunter” side quest, and make sure to loot all Equipment Chests.

What makes this weapon stand out are the raw statistics and additional qualities. Its damage is quite impressive, and it will allow you to one-shot planes and AMPs until around power level 7. Additionally, it deals additional damage to Weakspots, which are easy to hit on AMPs, as they are center mass where the pilot sits. Later, you can continue to take out enemies before they have a chance to reply using the gun’s alternate ammunition — Storm Ammo — which stuns enemies momentarily.

Weapon Type

Weapon Damage

Special Ammunition Type



Storm Ammo

6 The Jackhammer Shotgun

The Best Shotgun Against RDA Enemies

The Jackhammer Shotgun in Hurit's Vendor Screen

The Jackhammer Shotgun is the best close range weapon you’ll have access to for most of the game, and it has a price to match. In order to get this Shotgun, you’ll need to fork over 60 Spare Parts to Hurit Ahenakew in Resistance HQ. While this may seem steep in the early game, rest assured that you’ll start to accumulate more later on.


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That being said, this exquisite quality gun will cut through RDA enemies like butter. Not only does it do +15% damage against the RDA, but it also deals +20% damage on the next attack whenever you hit a weak spot. Many RDA enemies have large, easy-to-hit weak spots, so this should be a piece of cake. This is in addition to its sky-high base damage. Like most Shotguns, the alternate ammunition is great for stun-locking enemies who don’t die on the first shot.

Weapon Type

Weapon Damage

Special Ammunition Type



Storm Ammo

5 The Master Hunter Longbow

The Best Longbow Available

The Master Hunter Longbow in the player inventory

The Master Hunter Longbow takes some work to get, but it is the best example of its weapon type available. To get this Longbow, you’ll need to finish all three parts of the Clan Contributions Questline for the Aranahae Clan.

After getting access to the Heavy Bow, you’ll quickly realize that the Longbow is meant to act as a more mobile, mid-range option to the Heavy Bow’s Sniper Rifle-esque technic. This is primarily due to its quicker draw time and lower comparative damage. Therefore, when using the Longbow, you’ll ideally be moving frequently. As a result, the increased movement speed on kill is S-tier.

As a nice little bonus, The Master Hunter Longbow also does +20% damage when fully drawn, which will help offset the lower damage of the longbow in general. Its special ammunition, Shellbreaker Arrows, will also help break through armored enemies.

Weapon Type

Weapon Damage

Special Ammunition Type



Shellbreaker Arrow

4 Solali’s Spear-Thrower

A Much-Needed Hunter’s Upgrade

the recipe for solali's spear thrower in the players recipes screen

While you were able to hunt game fairly easily in the Kinglor Forest using a Heavy Bow, that gets harder on the Upper Plains. Many of the animals are larger and armored in this location, and the Heavy Bow just doesn’t deal enough damage to get clean, merciful kills. Enter the Spear-Thrower. Solali’s Spear-Thrower is a recipe that will be immediately available to you when you reach the Zeswa Clan and unlock the weapon type. Pick up the recipe from the Zeswa Gear Vendor and craft it with a Superior Bone and any reed.

Not only does this recipe vastly out-scale the starter spear you are given in the main quest line, but it also comes equipped with Shellbreaker Spears, making it even better at taking down creatures like the Soundblast Colossus. Some players even prefer the spear for taking out armored Grenadier AMPs.

Weapon Type

Weapon Damage

Special Ammunition Type

Spear Thrower

124 – 265

Shellbreaker Spears

3 Hurit’s Merciless Bullpup Shotgun

A Berserker Shotgun For Close Quarters Combat

Hurit's Merciless Bullpup shotgun in her vendor inventory

Hurit’s Merciless Bullpup Shotgun can be bought from Hurit Ahenakew, located in the Resistance HQ. This weapon will only show up once you’ve progressed through the main story into the Clouded Forest, and it costs 80 Spare Parts. Despite only being available in the late game, this gun is the best human weapon on the list due to the usefulness of the Shotgun type — and some crazy additional properties.


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Shotguns excel at high damage at close range and are the weapon of choice for those who don’t prefer the stealth playstyle. To keep up with the more powerful enemies in the later stages of the game, this shotgun pumps out lethal damage, matched only by the Spear-Thrower. Once you’ve killed an enemy, gain +20% additional damage for 10 seconds. This shotgun also incentivizes dancing with death, as you’ll deal even more damage (+30% on top of the first bonus) if you’re currently below 40% health.

Weapon Type

Weapon Damage

Special Ammunition Type



Storm Ammo

2 So’lek’s Lightning Heavy Bow

An Option You’ll Never Want To Replace

The recipe for So'lek's Lightning Heavy Bow in the Recipe Book

While the nature of this game is that weapons will be outscaled and discarded, sometimes the setup of a weapon is so good that you hold onto it longer than you should. For many, So’lek’s Lightning Heavy Bow falls into this category, mostly due to its secondary ammunition. You can get the weapon design from So’lek himself once you’ve unlocked Heavy Bows. To craft it, use any Superior Quality Root and a reed of any quality.

So’lek’s Lightning Heavy Bow is the first Heavy Bow you’ll see with Storm Arrows. This is fantastic news, as the Stealth-oriented player is likely to rely on their Heavy Bow for much of their fighting, and Storm Arrows are absolutely necessary to prevent higher health enemies from alerting friends after the first shot.

Weapon Type

Weapon Damage

Special Ammunition Type

Heavy Bow

57 – 166

Storm Arrows

1 The Lightning Heavy Bow

The Best Long Range Weapon Available

The recipe for the lightning heavy bow in the player's inventory

Speaking of Heavy Bows with Storm Arrows, the next one you’ll be able to get is The Lightning Heavy Bow. This weapon is what finally convinces many to retire So’lek’s Lightning Heavy Bow, and for good reason. This Exquisite Bow can be crafted, but you’ll also get one for free, making it a low effort as well as a powerful option. To get the bow and the design, you’ll need to defend Teylan from the RDA in the Tech Support Side Quest. This Side Quest can show up once you reach the Upper Plains and spawns as a call from Priya in one of the Outposts. Start turning Outposts on until it pops up.

As the name would suggest, this bow has Storm Arrow Ammunition, which is never a bad thing on a Heavy Bow. However, it also has an additional property that inflates your damage numbers quite a lot. When an enemy is affected by a status condition, you’ll deal +35% more damage to them. The Storm Arrows count as applying a Status Condition — I’m sure you see where this is going. As long as you find enough Spare Parts to craft Storm Arrows, you’ll be able to stun-lock and shred powerful enemies with this bow.

Weapon Type

Weapon Damage

Special Ammunition Type

Heavy Bow

104 – 130

Storm Arrows


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