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Am I Being Love Bombed? Quiz

Ever felt like you’ve landed in a romantic fairy tale, whirlwind style? Intense declarations, grand gestures, a constant barrage of affection – it’s intoxicating, right? But hold on before you get swept away. What if this whirlwind is actually a storm brewing under the surface of seemingly perfect love? Watch out, you might be getting love bombed, a deceptive tactic where affection is weaponized to gain control and manipulate.

This intoxicating attention, this love bombing cycle, can leave you feeling like you’ve found your soulmate, only to have the rug pulled out from under you when the intensity suddenly shifts. The compliments turn into criticism, the promises become empty air, and your individuality feels suffocated.

However, it may not be on purpose. Some individuals, desperate for connection, may shower their partners with affection without realizing the manipulative impact. But even if it is unintentional love bombing, the effect remains the same: your sense of self and boundaries get blurred, making you vulnerable to control and unhealthy dynamics.

Take the quiz, understand the patterns, and choose relationships that let you blossom, not wither.

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