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All Main Quests In The Game

If you’re wondering how far into Dragon’s Dogma 2 you are, this may give you an idea!

Dragon’s Dogma 2 really lives up to being an RPG by providing players with a majestic world to take in and explore, providing so much to do. In DD2, you will find a lot to do at Borderwatch Outpost, but that is just scratching the surface as you hunt to unlock the game’s numerous vocations, seek out Seeker Tokens, and load up on some great early-game weapons and armor.


Dragon’s Dogma 2: How To Beat Drakes

Whether you call them drakes or dragons doesn’t matter. These monsters are as formidable as they are rewarding. Here’s how to take them down.

There are plenty of tips and tricks to help you along your way, as you tackle quests — both main and side alike. While there are plenty of side quests to discover and play through, the main story will unravel as you check off each of the game’s main quests.

All Dragon’s Dogma 2’s Main Quests

dragons dogma 2 arisen carrying dwarf griffin

Quest Name



Gaoled Awakening

This quests serves to familiarise you with some basic combat and acts as the tutorial for the game. In it, you will escape from this area and begin your adventure.


Tale’s Beginning

You will be following Justinn to Borderline Outpost, and will be introduced to Riftstones, Inns and you will be making your Pawn during this quest.

In Dragon’s Wake

You will be setting out for Melve and meeting new NPCs along the way. You will face off a mighty foe in this quest and you will also learn more about Pawns and how hiring a full team of them can be very beneficial to playing with just your own Pawn.

One-eyed Interloper

The whole premise of this quest is to fight against a Cyclops. Players will need to utilize their chosen Vocation and fight to the best of their abilities to fell this powerful adversary before continuing on to Venworth.

  • 2120 XP
  • Missive to the Captain

Seat of the Sovran

Make your way to the Stardrop Inn during the nighttime portion of the game to speak with Captain Brant. This can be done by passing in-game time if it is currently daytime.


Disa’s Plot

The first of several quests given to you by Captain Brant. This quest has you infiltrate a castle between midnight and dawn to collect a letter from within. Since you need to complete this before dawn, time will be of the essence.

Monster Culling

The second quest given by Captain Brant will be Monster Culling. This quest will have you facing off against many monsters such as Goblins in a mine, but it will also have you saving some soldiers. This is a very combat-heavy quest.

  • 3000 XP
  • 7000 G
  • Expeditioner’s Cloak

The Caged Magistrate

Another one of Captain Brant’s quests will see you needing to find a particular NPC within the Vernworth Castle Goal. You will then need to find “a place with plenty of tomes.” This quest will have a lot of traveling involved, but you will return to Captain Brant.

The Stolen Throne

Given to you by Captaing Brant, you will need to disguise yourself in order to attend a masquerade ball in order to get close to the False Sovran.

An Unsettling Encounter

This quest is similar to Disa’s Plot, in that it has you going to specific quarters and investigating one of the game’s NPCs. You will then need to report back to Captain Brant who will be the one to give you this quest.

The Nameless Village

You will be uncovering secrets, meeting Thief-Maister Flaud, and being tasked with getting a bill of arrest. Just like the previous quests, this one is started and completed through Captain Brant.

  • 1200 XP
  • 7500 G
  • Dragon’s Gaze

Feast of Deception

You will need to get your hands on some specific items and then report back to Captain Brant.

Nation of the Lambent Flame

You will be heading to Battahl in this quest, as well as meeting some new NPCs along the way.

Flickering Shadows

The quest giver for this quest will be one that you met in Nation of the Lambent Flame. This quest involves a lot of traveling and speaking with several NPCs.


You will be tasks with exploring the seafloor shrine.

A New Godsway

You will be gathering several wyrmslife crystals and giving them to a particular NPC to empower the dull Godsbane Blade.

  • 6000 XP
  • 35000 G
  • Empowered Godsbane Blade
  • Wakestone

The Guardian Gigantus

This is a delivery quest with the item you received from the previous one.



This is the dramatic finale of the build-up of the last few quests. There is an epic showdown, a legendary weapon, and everything a high fantasy enthusiast could ask for.


If you find yourself taking damage often, you may be interested in perfecting how to dodge in the game. Perhaps you may just be getting too close and might want to unlock the Magick Archer vocation to take down your foes from a distance.


Dragon’s Dogma 2: How To Beat Drakes

Whether you call them drakes or dragons doesn’t matter. These monsters are as formidable as they are rewarding. Here’s how to take them down.


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