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A Quest Designer Who Worked On Morrowind Has Written An Expansive Mod For The Game


  • Douglas Goodall, known as AFFA, collaborated on a Morrowind mod exploring Ashlander lore with Greatness7 and Melchior Dahrk.
  • The mod features include new grotto, burial sites, trinkets, lore, and quests, with writing by Goodall. Offers interoperability features for gameplay.
  • Goodall returned to the Morrowind community with the ‘Fargoth Says Hello’ and AFFresh mods last year.

Douglas Goodall, a designer who worked at Bethesda from 2001-2002, has provided writing for Red Wisdom: An Ashlander Prophecy, a quest mod for Morrowind that explores the lore of Ashlanders, the nomadic tribes of Vvardenfell (good spot, RPS). Goodall is credited under his pseudonym AFFA, a name he used on Bethesda forums.

The project is a collaboration between Goodall and fellow modders Greatness7 and Melchior Dahrk. The introductory blurb of the mod reads, “Embark on a mystical journey as you unravel the ancient prophecy of Red Wisdom. Join forces with wide-eyed Nirani to unlock the hidden truths that lie within the sacred burial sites of the tribes.”


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According to the mod page, Red Wisdom boasts the following features.

  • Writing by AFFA also known as Douglas Goodall.
  • Explore a brand new grotto used by the Ahemmusa tribe to ‘bury’ their dead.
  • Visit the exterior burial sites of the Erabenimsum and Zainab tribes.
  • Collect four elemental-themed Ashlander trinkets, all with custom art.
  • Experience new Ashlander lore through the trials of a young Wise Woman apprentice.
  • Interoperability features like tooltips, achievements, graphic herbalism, and quest notification icons.

Return to Vvardenfell

Goodall returned to the Morrowind community last year with the release of ‘Fargoth Says Hello’, a mod based on an inside joke between Goodall and fellow Morrowind designer Mark Nelson. He then released the more substantial AFFresh, a mod that adds 30 low-level quests to Seyda Neen and Balmora.

Goodall originally left Bethesda because of heated creative disagreements about the Tribunal expansion for Morrowind. Goodall speaks about these conflicts in a fascinating interview with The Imperial Library.

“Frankly, the main quest never made sense to me,” Goodall says. “I felt it contradicted too much existing lore. I couldn’t get emotionally involved in the main quest or discern the motivations of key players.”

He goes on to speak about how his writing processes contrasted with Ken Rolston’s, the lead designer of Morrowind. He also says without ex-Bethesda writer Michael Kirkbride, the Elder Scrolls would be “indistinguishable from dozens of fantasy games.”


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