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10 Stealth Tips & Tricks


  • Be patient: Taking the time to observe and plan your moves will ensure you don’t accidentally alert enemies or get overwhelmed.
  • Use environmental distractions: Utilize objects in the surroundings to break up groups of enemies and create opportunities for stealth takedowns.
  • Use your scanner repeatedly: Keep yourself aware of your surroundings by using the scanner to locate objects and determine if enemies are safe to take out.

Stealth is a big part of Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, and just like the first game, you are going to come across plenty of encounters that will offer you the chance to take everyone out silently instead of swinging web-shooters a-blazing. You will want to make sure you are doing the Stealth sections correctly, though, with some simple tips and tricks.


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Each of these will help you get through the Stealth sections of the game quite easily, with each of them providing something new on how to navigate the shadows and staying out of sight of your enemies. If you follow along with these, you will be able to take out each enemy without any issues and without causing any fight to break out unintentionally.

Be Patient

SM2 - Black Suit

Why It’s Advised:

  • Keeps you alive longer
  • Helps prevent you from being overwhelmed by enemies

Stealth is all about patience in the game, and if you become too impatient, you can quickly lose control of the situation. This means that even though you may be itching to move on to the next encounter, let yourself slow down and don’t jump the gun on taking out an enemy.

Sure, using a Web Takedown may seem quick and efficient, but you can easily alert other enemies to your presence and that can trigger a batch of reinforcements to be summoned. Stay hidden, wait for the right chance, and make sure that you are not going to put yourself in jeopardy by doing something.

Use Environmental Distractions

Spider-Man 2 Kraven Boss Fight 16

Why It’s Advised:

  • Can break up groups of enemies
  • Easy to find with Scanner

There are a lot of objects around the Stealth sections that will allow you to distract or lure enemies by hitting them with web, such as barrels and boxes. These can be incredibly useful in breaking up groups of enemies that are staying together. It can be the best way to get one of them off by themselves to take out silently with a Perch Takedown.

Use your Scanner frequently to find any objects in the area that you can do this with and take advantage of them.

Use Your Scanner Repeatedly

Still of Miles Morales sitting on a lamp opposite a takeaway in Spider-Man 2

Why It’s Advised:

  • Keeps you aware at all times
  • Shows you if an enemy is safe to take out

To build off of the previous entry in this list, you will want to be using your Scanner all the time when going through a Stealth section. Beyond just showing you where objects are that you can use for distraction, it will also show you the location of enemies and whether they are “Dangerous” or “Safe” to attack. It will constantly provide you with useful information so that you are always aware of what is around you.

Keeping your wits about you can help tremendously in getting through these areas of the game, so keep pressing the R3 button to see what’s around you at all times.

Use The Web Line

Spider-Man 2 - Stealth Combat Perk Takedown

Why It’s Advised:

  • Opens up the Stealth sections
  • Allows more creativity

A new gadget for this sequel is the Web Line, which allows you to create a new perch for Spider-Man to creep across and over certain enemies and areas. Instead of having to stick to what the room is designed for, you can now create your own paths to get a vantage point over an enemy that you couldn’t reach otherwise.


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Just aim at a spot you want to create a line to with L2, and hit Triangle to shoot it out. It makes the entire experience easier and gives you more freedom to complete a section how you want to complete it.

Take Advantage Of Environmental Traps

Spider-Man 2 Peter Hanging On Top of Enemies

Why It’s Advised:

  • Can take out multiple enemies at once
  • Easy to hide afterward

There are more ways to take out your enemies than using Web or Perch Takedowns, and that includes the use of environmental “traps” of sorts, such as a shelf that can be pulled down or something you can knock off the ceiling. These can be great to wipe out a group of enemies at once, which can get you through these scenarios with ease.

While they may alert others to the fact that you are there, it won’t give your position away, and you can easily retreat to formulate another strategy to take out the rest.

Take Out Drones First

Still of Miles Morales as Spider-Man attacking a Talon Drone over the city in Spider-Man 2

Why It’s Advised:

  • They can be a big threat to staying hidden
  • Makes the whole experience easier

While the enemies on the ground are going to be your main focus, you will want to be wary of any Drones that are hovering around the area, or are even perched on a pathway you can use. These can make it really annoying and difficult to traverse around the area and can notify others of your presence very quickly.

Taking them out as soon as possible will make the entire situation easier to get through and make it a lot less stressful by eliminating that level of the playing field.

Use Miles When Possible

Spider-Man 2 Miles Morales

Why It’s Advised:

  • Makes moving around a lot easier
  • Keeps you hidden better than using Peter

While some sections will require you to use Peter, when possible, you should choose Miles for Stealth sections. This is due to the fact that Miles has the ability to turn completely invisible for a limited amount of time. Obviously, this is a huge advantage in Stealth.

While this ability won’t last for the entire segment, it can be a huge help in getting away from a close encounter and make getting your way around the room a lot easier.

Unlock Stealth Upgrades

SM2 - Target Acquisition

Why It’s Advised:

  • Keeps you alive in Stealth sections
  • Easy to unlock as you progress through the game

Luckily, there are plenty of upgrades that you can pursue unlocking that will make Stealth even easier. You can find a few upgrades in the Focus section of the Suit Tech upgrades: Stealth Focus, Target Acquisition, and Eyes on Target.


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Any of these three upgrades will give you an advantage in the Stealth sections of the game, and can make you a force to be reckoned with without even being seen.

Web Hang Over Enemies

Spider-Man 2 - Stealth Combat Web Hang

Why It’s Advised:

  • Creates a new way to take out enemies
  • Helps conserve your Web Lines

You don’t need to just use Web Lines to get over an enemy that the room won’t let you. You can also use the Web Hanging ability to crawl over an enemy, and then slowly lower yourself over them from the ceiling on your web. All you have to do is climb on the ceiling over them and then press L2 to start Web Hanging. Now just lower yourself down to take the enemy out.

This can be a good skill to use if you can’t create a Web Line or want to conserve the ones that you have. It does open you up to being spotted, but with enough care, it won’t be an issue.

Use Web Takedowns In Certain Situations

Symbiote Spider-Man _ Finisher _ Spider-Man 2

Why It’s Advised:

  • Can stop an enemy from alerting others
  • Helps travel across a room quickly

While Web Takedowns are the more noticeable way to take an enemy out, they can often save your life as well. Sometimes, you may be caught by surprise by an enemy and have a very small window to either take care of them or run. However, you can also press Triangle to quickly perform a Web Takedown and quiet the enemy before being spotted.

It also helps to cover a long distance in a short amount of time, which can be huge for getting out of these tricky situations.


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