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10 Best Armors In The Game

Dragon’s Dogma 2 will provide its player with a numerous ways to enjoy playing the game. This will come through unlocking all of the game’s Vocations. Once you have all of them unlocked, you will be able to rank up these Vocations thanks to all the different kinds of enemies you will be able to dispatch.


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While getting the best weapons and armor for the early game will help out a lot, there are plenty of options for much later in the game. A lot of which will require specific Vocations, so it is wise to know what the armor’s requirements will be before setting off to obtain it.

10 Meloirean Plate

Fine Platemail With A Sigil On The Left Side

Dragon's Dogma 2 Meloirean Plate

  • Vocations: Warrior, Fighter
  • Weight:5.8 kgs

The game describes this piece of gear as “Armor forged from a rare metal to achieve the ultimate combination of durability and flexibility.” To get your hands on this armor, you will need to purchase it from a vendor at Celeste’s Smithy — you can find the Celeste’s Smithy over at Checkpoint Rest Town. You will need to pay its cost of 20,300 gold.

This armor will give you a decent rise in your Magick Defense, but an even higher one for your regular Defense stat. It will also give some minor increases to your Slash and Strike Resistance as well. It doesn’t offer much for Elemental and Debilitation Resistances, making this something you will want to swap out before taking on certain enemies.


Magick Defense

Slash Resistance

Strike Resistance

Knockdown Resistance

Elemental Resistance

Debilitation Resistance










9 Valkyrian Scalecloth

A Very Regal Looking Armor Made Of Quality Materials

Dragon's Dogma 2 Valkyrian Scalecloth

  • Vocations: Archer
  • Weight:3.45 kgs

The game describes this piece of gear as “Armor crafted by working monster bones into scales and polishing the result with a decoction. In it, the wearer moves as silently as the wings of death.” To get your hands on this armor, you will need to purchase it from a vendor at the Volcanic Island Armory — you can find this armory over the Volcanic Island. You will need to pay its cost of 42,200 gold.


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This armor is great for its Archer Vocation. You will want to stay at range as an Archer with your Pawns playing the frontliners. When something does come your way, you have some good Defense and Magick Defense from the armor to take the hit. You will also be highly effective at shaking off damage from fire-focused enemies, thanks to its resistances to Fire, Caught Fire, and Tarred.


Magick Defense

Slash Resistance

Strike Resistance

Knockdown Resistance

Elemental Resistance

Debilitation Resistance







5% Fire

8% Caught Fire, 15% Tarred


8 Totemic Shroud

A Robe Made Of Magic Metals

Dragon's Dogma Totemic Shroud

The game describes this piece of gear as “A robe affixed with numerous arcane talismans. The cloth is believed to be the death shroud of a renowned animist.” To get your hands on this armor, you will need to purchase it from a vendor at the Bay Wayside Shrine — you can find the Bay Wayside Shrine over at Harve Village. You will need to pay its cost of 70 Wyrmslife Crystals.

Tricksters will want to avoid being detected, and avoid getting hit even more. This armor gives a high amount of Magick Defense and a decent amount of of regular Defence when it comes to the best armors in the game, but it also has lots of other resistances to mitigate damage further. If you really enjoy the Trickster Voation, this will be the armor you should prioritize getting your hands on late into the game.


Magick Defense

Slash Resistance

Strike Resistance

Knockdown Resistance

Elemental Resistance

Debilitation Resistance







10% Fire

20% Caught Fire, 20% Drenched


7 Silhouette of Sorcery

Elegant Dark Robes For The Mystic Arts

Dragon's Dogma 2 Silhouette of Sorcery

The game describes this piece of gear as “a garment treated with a special dye that lends it an ineffable grandeur. The deep-crimson fabric seems to radiate an intense magickal aura.” To get your hands on this armor, you will need to purchase it from a vendor at the Bay Wayside Shrine — you can find the Bay Wayside Shrine over at Harve Village. You will need to pay its cost of 70 Wyrmslife Crystals.

This armor gives you some good regular defense, but some outrageously high Magick Defense. It only offers Elemental Resistance in terms of Lightning and Debilitation Resistance in the form of Blighted, but the massive amount of Magick Defense makes up for that. This is a great option for the Mystic Spearhand, and the best option for any player using the Sorcerer Vocation.


Magick Defense

Slash Resistance

Strike Resistance

Knockdown Resistance

Elemental Resistance

Debilitation Resistance







10% Lightning

10% Blighted


6 Sacral Robe

Robes Befitting A High Mage

Dragon's Dogma 2 Sacral Robe

  • Vocations: Mage
  • Weight:2.58 kgs

The game describes this piece of gear as “a robe embroidered with holy sigils to ward against draconic magicks. Though the efficacy of these sigils is unknown, they are heartening nonetheless.” To get your hands on this armor, you will need to purchase it from a vendor at the Bay Wayside Shrine — you can find the Bay Wayside Shrine over at Harve Village. You will need to pay its cost of 70 Wyrmslife Crystals.


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This armor is hands down the best thing a Mage could ever want in some armor. It gives you very high Magick Defense, but also a high bump up in your regular Defense. All while offering a lengthy list of resistances to shake off any Elements and Dibliations that get hurled your way. The best part is that it only weighs 2.58 kgs due to them being lightweight robes. This is one of the armors many players wish were available to all vocations when wanting an all-round elemental resistance-boosting garment.


Magick Defense

Slash Resistance

Strike Resistance

Knockdown Resistance

Elemental Resistance

Debilitation Resistance







5% Fire, 5% Ice, 5% Lightning

5% Caught Fire, 5% Frostbite, 5% Blighted, 5% Silenced


5 Bestial Boon

A Very Sturdy Looking Armor With Fur And Metal Shoulder Guards

Dragon's Dogma 2 Bestial Boon

  • Vocations: Thief
  • Weight:3.6 kgs

The game describes this piece of gear as “armor affixed with beast hide and fur. The name is intended to evoke the unflagging vitality of the king of beasts.” To get your hands on this armor, you will need to purchase it from a vendor at the Volcanic Island Armory — you can find this armory over the Volcanic Island. You will need to pay its cost of 42,800 gold.

You can also get this armor in Bakbattahl by visiting Brokkr’s Smithy for the same amount of gold.

This armor offers some higher stats to mitigate damage, but it will only provide 18 points to Knockdown Resistance. This means you should play a bit more defensively and know how to dodge, but will be able to take a hit when you do get hit.


Magick Defense

Slash Resistance

Strike Resistance

Knockdown Resistance

Elemental Resistance

Debilitation Resistance










4 Thrasher’s Surcoat

This Coat Has Many Strips Along The Bottom & Metal Adorning It

Dragon's Dogma 2 Thrasher's Surcoat

  • Vocations: Warrior, Fighter
  • Weight:5.9 kgs

The game describes this piece of gear as “armor of surpassing quality that offers a seamless fit. Though it serves its wearer well no matter the battlefield, its weight takes time to adjust to.” To get your hands on this armor, you will need to purchase it from a vendor at the Volcanic Island Armory — you can find this armory over the Volcanic Island. You will need to pay its cost of 54,200 gold.

Just like Bestial Boon, you can also get this armor in Bakbattahl by visiting Brokkr’s Smithy for the same amount of gold.

This armor, like a lot of them, offers a much higher amount of Defense compared to what it offers in terms of Magick Defense. It will also provide 57 points to Knockdown Resistance and increase your Debilitation Resistance for Sleep by 50%.


Magick Defense

Slash Resistance

Strike Resistance

Knockdown Resistance

Elemental Resistance

Debilitation Resistance








50% Sleep


3 Deadly Nightshade

The Wizard Hat

Dragon's Dogma 2 Deadly Nightshade

  • Vocations: Sorcerer
  • Weight:2.27 kgs

The game describes this piece of gear as “A wide-brimmed hat fashioned from fire-resistant leather that was steeped in monster blood, giving it a dark hue and air of morbidity befitting its name.” To get your hands on this armor, you will need to purchase it from a vendor at the Bay Wayside Shrine — you can find the Bay Wayside Shrine over at Harve Village. You will need to pay its cost of 20 Wyrmslife Crystals.

While the majority of these armors are Body Armor, there is also the player’s Head and Legs to cover. This Head Armor is hands down the best bang for your buck with it raising your Magick Defensive by a considerable amount while also giving your regular Defense a bump almost as high as some of the heaviest of helms. The cherry on top is the protection you will be getting from Fire, Ice, Caught Fire, and Frostbite. All for a very low weight cost.


Magick Defense

Slash Resistance

Strike Resistance

Knockdown Resistance

Elemental Resistance

Debilitation Resistance







5% Fire, 5% Ice

5% Caught Fire, 5% Frostbite


2 Epiphanic Waistguard

Lots Of Beast Leather & Pointy Shoes

Dragon's Dogma 2 Epiphanic Waistguard

  • Vocations: Sorcerer
  • Weight 2.1 kgs

The game describes this piece of gear as “a waistguard fashioned from the noxious hide of a monster. Imbued with a spell to nullify the poison, it is the work of an artisan with potent magicks.” To get your hands on this armor, you will need to purchase it from a vendor at the Volcanic Island Armory — you can find this armory over the Volcanic Island. You will need to pay its cost of 35,800 gold.


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The Sorcerer might have received more love than other Vocations on this list due to just how amazing its armor options are. These lightweight pieces of gear offer so much protection to keep this magic caster alive while their Pawns do all the frontwork for them, and these pants just give so many welcomed resistances to make this Vocation such a pain for enemies to put a stop to.


Magick Defense

Slash Resistance

Strike Resistance

Knockdown Resistance

Elemental Resistance

Debilitation Resistance







4% Fire, 5% Ice

5% Caught Fire, 5% Frostbite, 5% Sleep, 5% Silence, 8% Petrified, 8% Blighted


1 Duelist’s Coat

A Long Coat With Plenty Of Gold Trimming

Dragon's Dogma 2 Duelist's Coat

  • Vocations: Mystic Spearhand
  • Weight: 6.52 kgs

The game describes this armor as “a coat of blood-steeped monster hide, comprising an array of skillfully fashioned parts. The tight fit helps to keep the wearer alert and focused.” To get your hands on this armor, you will need to purchase it from a vendor at the Bay Wayside Shrine — you can find the Bay Wayside Shrine over at Harve Village. You will need to pay its cost of 70 Wyrmslife Crystals.

This is a truly amazing armor as it offers a substantial rise in both your Defense and Magick Defense, along with a 10% Elemental Resistance to both Fire and Ice. It also offers a 20% Debilitiation Resistance to Caught Fire and to Frostbite. It is a shame that this armor is limited to only the Mystic Spearhand, as it would be amazing for any of the game’s numerous Vocations.


Magick Defense

Slash Resistance

Strike Resistance

Knockdown Resistance

Elemental Resistance

Debilitation Resistance







10% Fire, 10% Ice

20% Caught Fire, 20% Frostbite



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